Women’s World Championship Renju 2015

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From 7 to 13 August in Suzdal, the World Women’s Renju Championship took place.
Championship participants

Women’s Renju in the world is developed poorly enough. It is easy to be convinced of this, having studied the list of participants in this and previous women’s championships. It has received the greatest development in China and Russia. But if in Russia almost all active lovers of Renju regularly try to play at international tournaments, including the world championships, then the Chinese women, on the contrary, almost never go anywhere and only few are known to the international community. The most famous Chinese renzistka, perhaps, is Chinchin Wang, the winner of the youth world championship, the second woman in the history of the A-tournament of the World Cup in 2013 (the first was Julia Savrasova in 2007). With all this, at the recent Chinese national games, she took only 5 place in the individual competition among women. This year, Chinchyn could not get through the qualification in AT (in 2013 she had a national ticket) and therefore took part in the women’s championship, where she was considered one of the main favorites.
Party 5 tour Lasko-Van

One of the main intrigues of the tournament was the round 5 game Lashko-Van, by round 5 it had already become obvious that this was actually a game for the championship. Van has already stopped, having tied with the current world champion Irina Metreveli in the 3rd round, and defeat in this game meant for her a very unpleasant lead and a half points from the first place. 8D was set up with four fifths, Chinchin made one of the optimal fourth moves (with four alternatives, it is also possible 4-6 or even 4-13). This fifth move is known to be about equal in the fight against White’s good chances. Up to move 17 is a normal development, move 18 is a novelty that Kira did not do very well with. Gradually, Black deteriorates his position and by the 28th move, White gets a big advantage and probably even passes by somewhere behind the win (with the 30th move it was worth starting the attack to the right of 30-36, 31-37, 32 to play the three slightly to the right of the 9th move you can close only the bottom, after which you can safely with additional resources to attack from the left, for example, 34-38). In the game, White chose not the most successful development and after 31 moves, Black more or less controlled everything. A good start from the bottom allowed them to start fighting for victory, which later happened.

Result of the 2015 World Women’s Championship

In the course of the tournament, Kira played two more draws, which still allowed her to stay in first place and become a champion.

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