Results of Tallin-Open-2014

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December 26-28, Tallinn hosted the traditional open Renju tournament. The winner was Estonian player Willem Mesila (Villem Mesila). Estonian Paul Väljataga took the second place, and Swede Richard Sandström took the third place. The tournament was attended by three players from Russia, Igor Magdeev, Ilya Katsev and Taisiya Sadova, who took 9, 12 and 18 places respectively. The tournament was held according to the Swiss system in 8 rounds, according to the debut regulations of SoyoSrv-10 with time control of 60 minutes + 30 seconds of Fisher.

Table with tournament results:

No / name / rating / local rating (indicated only for Estonian players) / points

1 Villem Mesila, 2124 2182 8
2 Paul Väljataga, 1873 2119 6.5
3 Richard Sandström, 2132 6
4 Kuno Kolk, 1634 1935 5
5 Georg-Romet Topkin, 1564 1880 5
6 Argo Lillemaa, 1833 2022 5
7 Oleg Bulatovski, 1957 5
8 Peter Jonsson, 2031 5
9 Igor Magdejev, 1965 5
10 Karl-Ustav Kõlar, 1121 1657 5
11 Deniss Orlov, 1603 1923 4.5
12 Ilja Katsev, 1804 4.5
13 Markus Ikla, 1479 1705 4.5
14 Kristofer Lõhmus, 1644 1925 4
15 Mark Heidmets, 1494 1845 4
16 Erko Olumets, 1562 1815 4
17 Mart Narva, 1296 1637 4
18 Taisiia Sadova, 1272 4
19 Brenet Rahumägi, 1642 1890 3.5
20 Tuuli Tiivel, 1379 1690 3.5
21 Ardi Raag, 1222 1693 3.5
22 Kris Holtsman, 1432 1768 3
23 Magnus Murumaa, 1254 1475 3
24 Kevin Kaido Kallikorm, 1413 1608 3
25 Karl-Mattias Moor, 1332 1470 3
26 Oskar Pukk, 1096 1318 3
27 Hanna-Kai Reimand / Elerin, 1306 1535 3
28 Sander Piik, 1359 1690 2.5
29 Siim Tiivel, 1333 1659 2.5
30 Eric Muugamäe, 1555 1472 2
31 Kirke Koni, 1162 1649 1.5 3
32 Mathias Murumaa, 1169 1392 1

The number of participants in the tournament is growing. Last year, 28 players took part in the main Renju tournament in Tallinn-open, and 25 others before last. Regional involvement also increased: Swedish players took part this year.

Within the framework of Tallinn Open, a small blitz-gomok tournament took place (swap 2 regulations, time control for 20 minutes for each player per game), won by Russian Ilya Katsev, below are the results of the competition:

No / Name / nationality (only for non-Estonian players) / rating / points

1 Ilya Katsev, RUS 1565 5.5
2 Villem Mesila, 1586 5
3 Kuno Kolk, 1458 4.5
4 Brenet Rahumägi, 1277 4
5 Georg-Romet Topkin, 1381 4
6 Erko Olumets, 1429 4
7 Kevin Kaido Kallikorm, 4
8 Markus Ikla, 1530 3
9 Deniss Orlov, 1392 3
10 Tuuli Tiivel, 1450 3
11 Igor Magdeev, RUS 1500 3
12 Karl-Ustav Kõlar, 1149 3
13 Regina Narva, 3
14 Sander Piik, 3
15 Mart Narva, 1380 2.5
16 Mark Heidmets, 2
17 Oleg Bulatovski, UKR 1780 2
18 Ardi Raag, 1124 2
19 Oskar Pukk, 2
20 Jaan Oskar Narva, 1.5
21 Ingel Laur, 1
22 Kaspar Jakobsoo, 0

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