Japanese vouchers for the World Cup

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On January 28-29, the 10th All-Japan Championship (10th all Japan championship) was held in Tokyo, the results of which determined the fate of the Japanese trips to the World Championship. It is reported that a total of 28 people took part, the debut yamaguchi regulations, time control 50 minutes + 30 seconds phisher.


1. Shigeru Nakamura 5.5
2. Hiroshi Okabe 4.5
3. Tomoharu Nakayama 4
4. Shunsuke Kamiya 4
5. Masaya Tachi 4
6. Shin-ichi Ishitani 4
7. Yoichi Tamada 4
8. Kiyotomi Sato 4
9. Jun Koyama 4

Shigeru Nakamura won the tournament with 5.5 points out of 6 and won a ticket to the A-tournament of the World Championship, which will be held in August in Suzdal. Vouchers to the qualifying tournament (QT) received Tomoharu Nakayama and Shunsuke Kamiya. Hiroshi Okabe and Shinichi Ishitani (as the prize-winner of the V-tournament) have personal permits. Also, Yuuki Oosumi has a personal ticket. One of the discoveries of the tournament – known mainly by correspondence game Tachi Masaya, unfortunately could not qualify for the World Cup.

Perhaps the main intrigue of this championship is the question – will Shigeru Nakamura be involved? Recall that two years ago he did not come to the World Cup in Tallinn, while Oosumi and Okabe represented Japan in the A tournament. Nakamura’s participation will definitely add additional interest to the championship.

Earlier, the details of the Estonian selection and distribution of seats, as well as one of the Russian vouchers, have become known. In a month at the beginning of May in St. Petersburg, within the framework of the tournament of ten, the fate of two more Russian passes will be decided – in AT and QT.

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