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The party of the second round of Moscow Championship on Renju 2016. The first number I played against a well-known master of white, champion of Moscow (I think 2011). His favorite debut – 8 vertical, in which he focused like a fish in water, so that in any tournament with his participation is necessary to have a game plan in 8B. And the plan I had, under the rules soosyrv-8 offers much greater scope for creativity. Not to say that very much, because a lot of options leads to the famous chetyrehhodovkam in 6V / 6D or 9D, but it is.


To get away from known variants like 4-A, 4-C, or canonical 8B for 4-E, I chose a 4 course with four-fifths of that in general guarantee me playing black. Fifth Alternative A, B, C. Frankly, the choice of the fifth course I was somewhat surprised, because my opponent was playing it earlier, in the last Premier League of the Russian Championship in the party-Sirategyan Berezin, where it would seem no doubt left that the course of 5 wins and quite simple. When 5 V is still possible to try to hold 6-D, with the 5-C also have options such as 6-5. Here, everything should be pretty simple.


In the above game White tried another plan 6-A, 7-B, 8-6, 9-7, which resulted in a winning black 23 move. With a 6 course also be reduced to this embodiment, having played 8-A, but my opponent is trying to protect the other.


Not understand the position of black made 11 inaccurate move. Should play 11-A, 12-11, 13-In. If closed the other three sides, 12-C, then black is forced win 13-11 and 15-D or immediately 13-D. 12 move in the game – a mistake, should have played 12-A. This would lead to the white is not a very pleasant position, but direct payoff in black would not be.

Counted gain, black begun to implement. After 17 no protection, since any reply white faces double designation 19-A.

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