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This is the third time I was lucky enough to participate in the championship of Moscow. In the first round I had to play with one of the favorites, so to take a worthy place in the end, it was necessary to get points here and now. The more so because I had to play the first number. Since the announcement soosyrv-8 basic regulations already passed almost half a year, and my opening repertoire for this time considerably enlarged. But I decided to rely on good old bars and put 3 vertical debut:


My opponent is a little thought, he made 4 stroke ordering 5-fifths. It was probably several reasons. I slyvu expert 3B and leave me the right to choose 4 stroke may not be the most successful ploys. Another factor – the 4 course is very interesting and offers a non-obvious options for both colors, and with different fifth. I decided to keep the white color and to choose is not very easy for the white version, which, however, is ambiguous. The following fifth passages were exhibited: 5, A, B, C, D.

It is believed that 5-5 is the second-best fifth turn (after 5-B), with nearly black win. However, it is not, so far winning here is not strictly proved, despite the fact that there is another winning 5-A. The dominance of black in this embodiment is undeniable and this option I was quite deliberately, because for a long time yet prepared a novelty in the classroom parties have not previously used. Normal drawing 6-E, 7-B, 8-6, 9-F, resulting in the positional advantage and good chances of winning for black. 6-B loses after 7-C. The only alternative course of 6, which can be offered in this position it is 6-6!


The selected option forced my opponent to think hard. 7 course – is new, not previously encountered. Black from the very beginning of the party clearly given to understand that they are going to surround and crush and do not want to delay. Sixth course, is not very strong, and probably there since the gain of black appear. I will not consider in detail, will show only the best, in my opinion, the plan for the black 7-A. At 8-B looks good 9-C. 7 This course also looks pretty good, giving prospects of black to surround and tear. Eighth turn natural, white count on the activity of its stones, creating a counter-chances.


this 10 course Black planned to play 11-A, but it turned out that way you can not play because of the 12-B, 13-C, 14-D and Black can not close a triple to the right because of the threat of a foul in point E. It is possible, 10-F 11-B, 12-A little more relaxed plan for whites.


After much thought, we decided on a black 11 speed, resulting in a general, not a very pleasant position for them. Perhaps it was better to 11-A, 12-B, 13-C and 13-D. Or as 11-D. 14 course – a mistake. At this point, I cheated, finding a nonexistent prize for black at the close of another triple and was followed by almost immediate payback:



White could have a little prolong the agony, it seems that there is no direct win 18-21, but the position seems very depressing, Black attack two strong side. Result: Black wins.

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