
Toxaz Category: Games analysis. Tags: , , , Views: 1,686

With the introduction of more advanced debut regulations were actively used until now maloigravshiesya openings, to which, of course, applies 13V. 4 This course was made with 8-fifths.

All 7 presented alternative moves are likely to have a decisive advantage for Black. The presence of the eighth winning is still under question.


This fifth course of the game and here White has a few game plans. The best is probably 6-A. 6-6 is also possible. Black is also a multiple answer, a possible alternative to the party in the course of 7 7-B.


Eighth move is not very good and already confronts white small problems. Better, perhaps, to play 8-11. 10 course of the same cost, first to play three 10-14, maybe 10 in the party – a mistake. 11 and 13 are correct, but instead a more abstract cost switch 15 directly to the already threat realization, tk Black remains straight winning: 15-A, 16-B, 17-C, 18-D, 19-E. If 18-E, 19-D and three can be closed from either side of the white 20-F – protection no longer exists. Although with this gain during the 15 remains.


If 16-A, 17-16, 18-B, 19-C. It is also possible 23-24 or 23-D

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