Rules of the site

administrator Category: Rules. Views: 1,542
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These Rules govern the use of the site and are binding on all Users of the site

These Rules can be changed by the administration of the site at any time without any notice. The current version of the Rules is located on the website in the “Rules” section (

1. Description of the service.

1.1. The website is a service that provides, through the Web interface, the organization of renju games in accordance with the rules of the game published on the website. In addition, communication between registered users is organized by internal mail, forums and blogs. Services are provided via the Internet using a web browser.

1.2. These Rules come into force immediately after the User registers on the website
The Rules are a legally binding agreement between the User and the website (during registration, each User ticks that he agrees with the Rules). If the User of the site does not agree with any of the points of these rules, then he must urgently leave the site.

1.3. Due to the gratuitous nature of the service, the rules on consumer protection are not applicable to it.

2. Obligations of the User.

2.1. Upon completion of the registration process, the User receives a login and password to access a personal free account. The User is responsible for the security (password length, symbols used in it) and the safety of his login and password, as well as for everything that will be done on under the User’s login and password. The User is obliged to immediately notify the administration of about any case of access by third parties with the User’s login and password and / or about any cases of security breach. When registering, it is not allowed to use an obscene or offensive word or expression. If authorization is carried out through a social network, then a user account is created automatically.
The User’s account may be blocked by the Site Administration without warning or explanation.
2.2. The user is obliged to follow the rules of the game in renju when participating in games.
2.3. The user must understand and accept that he is solely responsible for the text of his messages transmitted using the service. does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or quality of these materials, nor is responsible for materials created by Users of its service. The User understands that by using the service, the User may be exposed to material that is offensive, indecent or objectionable.
2.4. The user undertakes not to use the service to send, transmit or publish materials:
– which are illegal, harmful, threatening, insulting morality, slanderous, infringing copyrights, promoting hatred and/or discrimination of people on racial, ethnic, gender, social grounds;
– violating the rights of minors and / or causing harm to them in any form;
– misleading about the properties and characteristics of any subjects or objects;
– which are spam, “pyramids”, “letters of happiness”;
– containing viruses;
– containing personal data of other users;
– pretending to be another person or a representative of an organization and/or community without sufficient rights, including employees of the Administration
2.5. The user acknowledges that may set limits on the use of the service, including – the number of games played simultaneously by one player, the storage period for internal mail messages, the maximum number of messages that can be sent or received, the maximum message size. is not responsible for any delays, failures, incorrect or late delivery, deletion or non-retention of any user personal information.
2.6. The User agrees that does not guarantee support for more than one account created using the service for one User.
2.7. The User agrees that any materials posted by the User on the resources can be used by at their own discretion without paying any remuneration to the User.
2.8. may close the service at any time without prior notice and shall not be liable in any way for termination of the User’s access.
2.9. has the right to terminate the relationship with the User in case of violation of these Rules by the latter. In case of repeated violation by the user of these reserves the right to refuse the latter to receive the opportunity to use

2.10. The user understands and agrees that he uses at his own risk. The Service is provided “as is”. assumes no responsibility for the conformity of the service to the purposes, expectations or requirements of the User, and does not guarantee that the service will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors.
2.11. The User agrees that is not responsible for any direct or indirect losses resulting from: the use or inability to use the service, unauthorized access to the User’s communications, statements or behavior of any third party in the service.

3. Obligations of the service

3.1. The website grants the User the right to use the software provided in the service on one computer, provided that the User or any other persons, with the assistance of the User, will not copy or modify the software; penetrate the software in order to obtain program codes; modify the service, including for the purpose of obtaining unauthorized access to it.
3.2. The website ensures the secrecy of messages and respects the confidentiality of information about users of, with the exception of cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The user consents to the use of personal information in a generalized form for the purposes of marketing research or targeting on the site
3.3. The user agrees that his outgoing and incoming messages undergo certain automatic processing by programs for the full transmission, reception and storage of messages. Mandatory automatic processing includes the necessary set of measures to detect malicious codes in the transmitted information. These measures are taken solely to protect the User’s personal computers, as well as in order to reduce the load on the equipment of the site
3.4. The service calculates the rating of players based on the Rating Calculation Rules published in the Rules section.
3.5. In the event of force majeure, as well as accidents or failures in the software and hardware systems of third parties cooperating with, or actions of third parties aimed at suspending or terminating the functioning of, it is possible to suspend the operation of without prior user notifications.

4. Forum and site chat rules.

In the following, for brevity, we will only say “forum”, meaning “forum and chat”.
4.1. Communication on the forum is conducted in Russian, in some cases English and transliteration are allowed. By using the forum to read and post messages, you automatically agree to these rules and agree to abide by them. If the rules are unacceptable to you, you have the right not to use the forum.
4.2. The forum is intended for communication of registered players of the site
4.3. The forum is post-moderated, that is, the messages posted by the participants are not pre-screened. Editing of messages is made by moderators later, if necessary.
4.4. All messages on the forum express the views of their authors. The site administration is not responsible for the content of these messages.
4.5. It is forbidden:
– Use rude, obscene language that offends individuals, teams, cities, countries, nationalities.
– Incite or explicitly provoke inter-ethnic and inter-confessional strife.
– Post information that can be regarded as slander (including unreasonably accusing someone of using software in the game).
– Post meaningless messages, meaningless character set.
– Post text with excessive capitalization.
– Place advertisements of any kind without the consent of the site administration.
– Post links to other sites on the Internet, with the exception of links to the source when quoting.
– Use the forum for personal correspondence. Such correspondence is recommended to be conducted using the private messaging service.
– Use the forum as, except when the content of the topic allows it. – Create flood messages, use an excessive amount of slang words, modern network “dialects” and expressions marked by the Administration as undesirable in use.
– Create top(s) or re-publish message(s) that(s) were(s) previously deleted(s) by the Site Administration.
– All listed in clause 2.4. Rules.
– Interfering with the communication of forum participants on the discussion topic specified in the title. If a topic naturally changes direction significantly during the discussion, it is recommended to continue the discussion in a new topic, ask a moderator to change the name of an existing topic, or split the topic.
– Placing the same topic in several sections of the forum. In case of erroneous duplication of the topic, you must contact the moderators with a request to remove one of the copies.

4.6. Recommended
– Choose a meaningful title for the topic, reflecting its content.
– Do not allow significant deviations from the original theme.
– Do not respond to insulting and provocative attacks. All participants in the squabble are subject to punishment, regardless of who “first started.”
4.7. Undesirable
– Quote entire previous visitor posts and quote posts that already contain quotes from previous posts (Overquoting). When quoting, refer to a specific phrase.
– Publish messages with elements recognized on the Internet as irritants: too large font size and / or varied and unjustified coloring of the text; repetition of any identical characters; big phrases written in CAPITAL LETTERS.
All this on the network is considered considered bad manners.
4.8. Moderators monitor the observance of order on the forum.
All controversial issues regarding the rules of the forum and their observance should be discussed with the moderators and site administrators (private messages).
Forum discussion of moderator actions and general moderation policy is allowed only in exceptional cases.
The site administration reserves the right to judge the exclusivity of the case.
4.9. In case of violation of the rules of the forum, you should:
– Editing a post (or topic) or deleting.
– Punishment of the user who committed the violation (remark, warning, or disconnection from the forum for a period of several days to life).
– In some cases, a complete blocking of the offender’s account on the site may be applied.
The term for disconnecting the violator from the forum depends on the severity of the violation of the rules and is set by the Site Administration. Indefinite (lifetime) disabling is applied in case of repeated intentional violation of the rules.
4.10. The forum is divided into thematic sections. Failure to comply with the topics of the section may lead to the actions described in paragraph 4.9.

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