Rules for Renju and Gomoku

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Renju (translated as “string of pearls”) is a board logic game. Invented in China over four thousand years BC. The sporty version was developed and adopted in Japan. Early versions of this game are also known as “gomoku” and “gomokunarabe” (which means “five stones” and “five stones in a row” in translation). Two players take turns laying out stones (chips) on a field measuring 15 by 15 cells (a variant of 19 by 19 cells is possible for Gomoku). Black’s first move to the center of the board. Whoever can be the first to build a continuous row of five stones (vertically, horizontally or diagonally – it doesn’t matter) of their color is the winner.

In the 19th century, “fouls” for blacks were introduced. These are invalid moves. Black cannot build 3×3 and 4×4 forks and a row of 6 or more stones (long row), as well as any forks with a multiplicity of more than two. For white fouls does not exist. A long line brings victory.
Sometimes these fouls are considered not enough to equalize the chances of winning for white and black, and “opening regulations” are introduced – a mandatory order of the first moves for the players. Read more about opening regulations in a special article.

It is difficult for beginners and amateurs to play with opening regulations. You need to be good at game theory. That’s why on our website we will introduce a special type of game with a draw of five-movers – Renju (lot). In fact, it is proposed to continue the game with the initial moves already made. The position is chosen randomly from more than 30 options. Variants were selected by the masters of the game of renju, dischargers and champions of the largest competitions. The current position is chosen in such a way that black and white immediately have approximately equal chances of winning.

Each player has the right to skip his turn (pass). If both players pass in a row, the game ends and a draw is declared.

If the entire board is filled with stones, then a draw is also declared.

Gomoku is the same game as Renju, but without fouls and on a board of 19×19 or 15×15 lines. A long line does not bring victory to either White or Black.
According to the international Gomoku rules, the first move (black) is made to the center of the board 15×15, the second (white) and third (again black) – to any free place on the board, after which the second player (playing white) has the right to continue the game with his stones, or change color.

Free renju (“Sapronovka”, “Pro-gomoku”) – the rules are similar to the previous options, only instead of fouls a central forbidden square (CZK) is introduced. Playing according to the rules of Gomoku (no fouls, long row does not bring victory) on the board 15 by 15. Additional rule: the second move of black (that is, the third move in the game) must be made outside the central 5×5 square. On the site “Free Renju” is called “pro-gomoku” to avoid confusion in terminology, since no fouls – this option is better attributed to Gomoku than to Renju.

Some consider the foul variation to be the most difficult. And that fouls reduce the popularity of the game, since with fouls it is necessary to develop a completely different strategy for black and white.

However, there is also a radically opposite opinion that fouls are the main highlight of this game.

On our site, the game variants are now implemented: Gomoku (with different field sizes), Gomoku swap2, Free Renju (pro-gomoku), Renju (draw) and Renju (Soosyrv-8).

It is suggested that you familiarize yourself with the opening regulations in more detail.

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