For authors: the use of labels

Toxaz Category: Rules. Views: 1,562

As the number of publications on the site grows, orient them and look for something in particular is becoming increasingly difficult, I propose to develop an effective label to on it was convenient to navigate.

1. The label on the type of games
already on the site are represented as Renju and Gomoku (and later possibly more paznoobrazie), respectively, all the publications can be classified as belonging to one of the games. Traditionally, in all publications of Renju, I put the appropriate label, so that the reader will not be difficult to find all the publications, one way or another connected with the Renju or Gomoku .

2. Geography labels

There are a number of publications devoted to specific activities, as a rule, the competition, which also take place in a specific location. For foreign competition proposed label Renju in [name of country]. For example, chitatedyu not be difficult to find all the materials on the site of Renju in Japan , Sweden , Taiwan and so on.

Tag Renju in Russia may be referred to the All-Russia and major international competitions such as The ongoing VT, Czech Republic, or the last World Cup in Suzdal. In all other cases it is better to use a label indicating the specific locations where the event took place, such as reviews of Moscow championship marked as Renju in Moscow, Renju in St. Petersburg. Events taking place not in the central urban region tag with the name, e.g., Renju Yaroslavl region, Renju Arkhangelsk area and so on.

3. The label on a personnel
if the publication referred to this or that person, you can put the appropriate label, so that the reader can find all the materials on the site to a specific person, such as K.Nikonovu . If in sorevnoanii participates small number of people, you can specify all of them, like here . If many participants, it is necessary to specify only the key staff that is left to the author’s publications.
Important! The label is made in the format Last Name, and not vice versa.

4. The label of competitions
The competitions easily sorted out on the appropriate category . However, publications on different championships on the site is already a hundred, and seek information among them, such as the All-Russian competition for the various years will be difficult, do not be the appropriate label . Or the championship of Moscow, for example . Thus, the tournaments should allocate marks by their name, if they are carried out regularly.

Also, if the tournament posveschenny several publications, it makes sense to create a special label with the year in which the marking batches, for example. So interested in championship in Moscow will find that there is a special tag that allows you to view the materials on the championship in 2016.

5. The label on the key concepts
To those, for example, include the debut regulations, which can also be specified. Thus, it will be possible to sort publications (generally tournaments) on mentioning therein regulation Soosyrva or Tarannikova .

6. arbitrary labels
may also create your own tags, in the case of a series of publications one direction, for example, here .


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