XIV World Championship in Renju and Gomoku. Qualification.

writer Category: News, Championships. Views: 1,989

Currently, the main event in the world of Renju and Gomoku – World Championships 2015 is held in Suzdal (Russia). On August 3, the RQT and GQT – qualifying tournaments for participation in the World Championships in Renju and Gomoku began.

The result of qualifying for Renju can be seen here: http://www.rgwc2015.ru/tables/RQT.htm

You can follow the result of the qualification in Homoku here: http://www.rgwc2015.ru/tables/GQT.htm

In the qualifying tournament for Renju, 5 out of 12 vouchers for the World Cup are played out, and in the qualifying tournament in Gomoku – 10 out of 12.
The official website of the World Championships in Gomoku and Renju http://www.rgwc2015.ru/

As a result of qualifications in the AT world championship in Renju passed:

1 Lin Huang-Yu Chinese Taipei
2 Tang Kai Lam Macao
3 Fedorkin Oleg Russia
4 Hobemagi Martin Estonia
5 Kamiya Shunsuke Japan

In the AT World Cup Gomoku passed:

1 Dupszki Rudolf Hungary
2 Kachaev Denis Russia
3 Kozhin Mikhail Russia
4 Kondratiev Valery Russia
5 Tarannikov Yuriy Russia
6 Sakamoto Hirouji Japan
7 Katsev Ilya Russia
8 Rizvanov Edward Russia
9 Bogatyryov Aleksandr Russia
10 Smirnov Anatoly Russia
11 Lebedev Aleksey Russia

We see that, according to Renju, only Fedorkin Oleg came to Russia from AT, according to our players’ overwhelming majority – 9 people. We wish them successful games!

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