All-Russian Renju Tournament

Owen Category: News, Championships. Views: 744

The All-Russian Renju Tournament will be held from the 1st to the 6th of November in Koloktaevo LOC (Medical and Recreational Complex), located in the Moscow Region.

This is one of the most representative in terms of the number of participants in “adult” Russian tournaments, if not the most. It usually presents the whole range of levels of the game, from ex-champions of Russia of different years to beginners (children play there, yes). The main trophies that are played out are places in the final of the Russian Renju Championship, there will be at least 9 of these trophies, and the struggle for them promises to be hot.

If you are interested in the game, I recommend trying to plunge into the atmosphere of the tournament, forget about the outside world, its affairs, worries and even days of the week. And let the first time the performance will not be the most successful, you will see, understand and realize a lot, this experience is invaluable.

Details on the organization, information about the settlement, food, cost, contact the organizers here:

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