A Ukrainian won the Polish championship in homoku

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On November 16, the 10th Polish Gomoku Championship was held in Warsaw.
The tournament was held according to the Swiss system in 8 rounds with a time control of 40 minutes + 15 seconds of Fischer, the opening regulations of swap2. The Polish Championship is an open tournament and everyone can take part in it, regardless of nationality, gender, age or skills.
The winner was the Ukrainian player Oleg Bulatovsky

Last year, Oleg also participated in the Polish championship, but took only 5th place.
The 2nd and 3rd places were taken by the Poles Adrian Fitzermann and Michał Żukowski. A total of 14 people took part in the tournament.

Below is the final table (source – Polish Gomoku, Renju and Pente Association):
(participant – rating before the tournament – points – truncated Buchholz – Buchholz – Progress)
1 Bulatovsky, Oleg 1788 6.5 27.5 35.0 31.0
2-3 Fitzermann, Adrian 1907 6 28.5 36.0 29.0
Żukowski, Michał 1832 6 25.5 33.0 25.0
4 Malowiejski, Piotr 1567 5 21.5 28.5 17.0
5 Zajk, Michał 1962 4.5 25.5 33.5 20.5
6-8 Rędzioch, Mateusz 1350 4 25.0 34.0 20.0
Bieniek, Piotr 1761 4 25.0 33.0 18.0
Lange, Jarosław 1760 4 23.0 30.5 19.0
9-10 Zajk, Radosław 1487 3.5 22.5 29.5 14.5
Tamioła, Artur* 1913 3.5 14.5 23.5 10.5
11 Podwyszyński, Karol 1598 3 22.5 29.0 12.0
12 Tarasinski, Pawel 1754 2.5 23.5 30.5 13.5
13 Maiksner, Łukasz 1493 2 24.0 31.5 8.0
14 Sekułowicz, Jan 1544 1.5 25.0 32.5 3.5
*withdrew after round 5

There was also a blitz championship of Poland in homoku, Swiss, 10 rounds, control 5 minutes +3 seconds of Fischer. Results:
1 Bieniek, Piotr 8 46.0 55.0 47.0
2 Żukowski, Michał 7 39.0 49.0 42.0
3 Tamioła, Artur 6.5 39.5 49.5 31.0
4-7 Nowakowski, Maciej 6 44.0 54.0 35.0
Zajk, Michal 6 40.0 50.0 28.0
Majksner, Łukasz 6 39.0 49.0 30.0
Rędzioch, Mateusz 6 35.5 45.5 21.0
8 Malowiejski, Piotr 5.5 41.5 51.5 31.0
9-10 Fitzermann, Adrian 5 41.5 51.5 31.0
Bulatovsky, Oleg 5 41.0 51.0 31.0
11 Kozimor, Michal 3 40.0 49.0 17.0
12-14 Podwyszyński, Karol 2 39.5 49.5 19.0
Sekułowicz, Jan 2 39.5 48.5 11.0
Godlewski, Philip 2 38.5 47.0 11.0

It is a pity that blitz renju tournaments are rarely held in real life. They mostly blitz on specialized sites. Such as, for example, renju.in But unfortunately in online tournaments there are often cases of dishonest play. After all, no one can control in such cases, the player himself makes moves, or uses the tips of special programs.

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