Moscow Championship 2016 Renju: Party Golomarev – Tarannikov and Tarannikov – Nikonov

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In these two games ended in Moscow championship was played the same debut pyatihodovka obtained from 3V or 13D. To me it is known from past World Cup Pen on – I played against her white Pole Mihala Zhukovski ( ). I must say that today and in the ongoing championship site Renju Soosyrv-8 in one of the parties, I got the same 4-th move in the debut against an opponent kpotnn with eight alternatives 5th turn. But it’s another story.

For the convenience of both parties are considered in the same orientation arrangement of stones. It is noteworthy that all the seven currently known alternatives 5th stroke uncomplicated line up the letter “U” around the third stone: remember quite easy, but be clear how Black will win in all variants of the 5-th move A – F task an entirely different level. The course of 6-6 only possible, though some others may seem to black uneasy in the exposure (eg, “propped up from below,” a pair of black 5-3, or diagonally upwards from the 4th turn, creates white just two couples).


Next draw with the 7th to the 11th strokes without options, but on the 12th move the choice is rich. Furthermore 12-12, played in both parties, white possible moves to points A – E (below left in the diagram), and it is possible that the options 12-C or 12-E will be weaker than others. For example, White can try to implement the idea of ​​”cutting” the resources of ferrous (diagram below right), trying to isolate the stones 7, 13 and 15 from the rest, but it looks difficult: a pair of 5-15 remains free, and the rate is still over black – they can choose the direction of the attack 17-th move, because in fact the whole structure of the stones “stretched sausage” in the upper half of the board, to dissect the main diagonal and the lower half is completely free.

d3i13_pos02_0        d3i13_pos02_1

Both parties considered vplost until the 17th move has been played the same way (see the following diagram.), And then parted ways: K. Nikonov against Yu Tarannikova played 18-A, and the other party play white against A. Yu Tarannikov Golomareva I played 18-B. We can not say that this is a decisive moment in every game, but an interesting idea here is (comments below). version 17-C, is also available 18-D and 19-E, played against me in the World Cup by correspondence. Either option can only bear white and methodical defensive, and even long enough.


The following quote two diagrams with the development of each of the parties separately considered: Left Party Golomarev-Tarannikov right – Tarannikov-Nikonov. And vnos note (subjective) between the 18th move: the party Tarannikov-Nikonov 19-th move black already seems defensive, but in the party Golomarev-Tarannikov have options 19th move, which seem to attack (for example, 19 (!) -25 or even 19-A). However, 19 moves in the party, 21 and 23 led to an imbalance – Black plays on the wing, and white on the. Next, white interception 24 designation, the answer is 25 (!) – a little late, no protection. However, instead of the triple 23-th move Black can put the designation, covering breaking a pair of white, and maintaining the pressure at the top for some time. But then, one way or another, will have to defend themselves against attacks of white at the bottom.

d3i13_pos04_0        d3i13_pos04_1

The party-Tarannikov Nikonov, on the contrary, the game was no risk – White stepped on the field side by side with black. Moves from 20 to 32 confirm this – all very reliably, without too much risk. Noted an interesting gameplay nuance – the closure of three white 27-th move (!). In rendzistov known saying – “which grows out and closes,” it is possible to close the banal three from the 26th stone – because there is potentially still in white and four could be in the future. However, take a look! 27-th move black makes just two threefold, and, moreover, put the pause! Which White can not respond … In the end, the game ended in a draw on the 90th move. Perhaps this is the moment of tournament strategy – robust 0.5 points in the last game provided K. Nikonov first place in the championship.

Party fully available for download from the official site RIF  .

PS A significant remark Anton Golomareva today in response to, as it turned out, quite superficial comment on my part: in his party with Tarannikovym me after this 23rd win progress remains black, which clearly requires a cast on a separate chart below. The most difficult for the black version of the 28th course of A, B or C do not save from destruction of white (here it would be possible to put a question mark, but still the proof is not long to wait).


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