Estonian World Cup selection

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The world championship in Suzdal is near, the main event in the world of Renju. Recently, the results of the finals of the Estonian selection for the World Cup:

1. Willem Mesila 10
2. Georg-Romet Topkin 7
3. Brenet Rahumagi 6.5
4. Argo Lillemaa 6
5. Kuno Kolk 5
6. Mark Heidmets 4.5
7.-8. Erko Olumets, Deniss Eagles 4
9.-10. Ardi Raag, Markus Ikla 3
11. Chris Holtsman 2

The selection took place according to the debut regulations of the World Championship – yamaguchi with time control 90 minutes + 30 seconds of the phisher. The tournament organizer, Ants Soosirv, noted with regret that the level of the tournament and the quality of the games were low. According to the results of the tournament, Willem Mesila, Georg-Romet Topkin and Brenet Rahumagi received the right to play in the qualifying stage of the World Cup (QT). The participants of the previous World Championships Martin Khobemagi and Aivo Oll also have a personal place in QT. The current world champion Estonian Tunnet Taymla takes place in the A-tournament of the World Cup.


Estonian team at the World Team Championships in Tokyo, 2010.
Tunnet Taymla, Aivo Oll, Andri Purk and Ants Soosirv

Russia this year has two trips to the AT. One of them has already received the winner of the XXIII championship of Russia Pavel Makarov. The second ticket will be drawn at the beginning of May at the tournament of the ten in St. Petersburg. A ticket to QT will also be raffled, it will receive the best one by points (the calculation will be made taking into account the results of the tournament ten). Participants in the previous world championships Vladimir Sushkov, Dmitry Epifanov and Pavel Salnikov, as well as the winner of the B-tournament Alexey Potapov, have personal places in QT.

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