Review of major events in Renju for December 2015

writer Category: News, Championships. Views: 1,066

1) Moscow Championship December 20 – 25, 2015

2) Final Championship Rybinsk. The first official tournament in Russia, played according to the regulations of co-SoR-8 (not Yamasyrv-8, as at VT-2015, for example, or with relaxation as in the Moscow championship). By the way, it is noteworthy that the first official game on co-raw 8 also took place in Rybinsk – in August in the championship of the Yaroslavl region, it was the game Smirnov-Reybandt. The champion of Rybinsk (it seems already 8 times) becomes Evgeny Smirnov.

3) 1 and 2 parties of the Taiwan Masters. A young Taiwanese, Lin Shih-ping, beat the current Meijin in both games. Here is the profile of Lin Shih-Ping from last year’s major tournament, where he eventually took only third place / wp-content / uploads / 2014 … 9_e_sA.jpg

4) The main event of December – Tallinn Open, the strongest of the open tournaments, this year again showed a very strong composition. Ivo Olle and Vladimir Sushkov shared 1-2 place.

5) Traditional Chinese New Year’s tournament with the debut Lin Huan regulations. The winner was the current world champion Chi Guan, the second place was taken by ex-champion Sao Dong. Read more here.

Details of these tournaments follow.


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