Major League 4th Championship Site 2018 gomoku swap2

Ostrog Category: Online Tournaments. Views: 972

Registration for the Highest League of the 4th Championship of the site 2018 gomoku swap2 opens.

The following players are registered:

1. dm_litv 2. Owen 3.Boor 4.cosvlad 5.Ostrog 6.Georgi Metreveli 7.Toxaz 8.alleb

Spare: 1.Tingking 2.kpotnn 3.Finik 4.dmitriy_savenko

Start – April 17, 2018. They play two games each with each different color. On thinking about 4 days per move. Holiday is allowed.

The final places from the 1st to the 5th preserve the places in the Major League of the 5th Championship of the site 2019 in terms of gomoku swap2 (start March 1, 2019)

The final places from the 6th to the 8th are transferred to the 1st league of the 5th Championship of the site in 2019 according to Gomoku swap2 (start on October 1, 2018)


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