Site Cup 2016

administrator Category: Online Tournaments. Views: 1,480

The rules of the tournament for the Cup site 2016 gomoku swap2
1. Cup of the site 2016 gomoku swap2 is held in 4 stages.
Start of the 1st stage March 22, 2016. Start of the 2nd stage and subsequent stages two months after the start of the previous stage (if the stage is held in one round; if in two circles, then start three months). Entry to the subsequent stages opens 10 days before the start.
2. Each stage is carried out in a circular system:
– if the participants are 20-22, then in one round, each one plays one game (the color is determined by the starting number: when added, if the amount is odd, the smaller starting number is played in black, and for an even amount – vice versa).
– if there are more than 20-22 participants, the Cup stage is held in two circles:
in the 1st round 2 or more groups are formed (depending on the number of applications); From 16 to 20 players get into the 2nd circle. (Example: 28 participants: 1st circle 2 groups of 14 players, 8 best players from each group go into the 2nd circle, and points scored in the 1st circle among the 8 best players are transferred to the 2nd circle, and there they do not play among themselves, but play only from the 8th best of another group).
3. In case of equality of points, the winners are determined:
– the result of a personal meeting;
– Berger coefficient;
– the number of victories;
– lower rating value at the time of the start of the Cup stage.
4. Time control at all stages – 30 days per batch each. No vacation.
5. Determination of winners in the overall Cup Cup 2016.
At each stage of the Cup, 16 best players are determined, further: for 1st place 17 points; for the 2nd 15 points; for the 3rd 14 points, etc. for the 16th 1 point.
Points for all stages of the Cup are summed up and the winners of the Cup of the 2016 site are determined.
In case of equality of points, the winners are determined by:
– more than 1 places (at the stages of the Cup); 2 places, 3, etc.
– The decision of the panel of judges.
6. Awarding.
At each stage, the winner is awarded a record of the victory on the personal page.
In the overall standings: three winners will be awarded the Cup.
7. ATTENTION: points scored in the overall standings are counted in the Cup of the 2017 site; points of 2017 go to offset 2018, etc.
8. Using the software is prohibited.
9. The panel of judges reserves the right to change and supplement the clauses of these regulations.

Record on the first stage opens.

At the first stage is appointed panel of judges composed of: Ostrog (organizer), administrator

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