The Hunger Games 2017-1

Ostrog Category: Online Tournaments. Views: 2,463

A series of tournaments “The Hunger Games 2017″ for Gomoku swap-2.

Each tournament series held in a circular system in one round.

The number of players in each tournament – 11.

Start each tournament – as a set limit of participants. Can be started in any number of tournaments (depending on your free time and the desire to satisfy the game “hunger”).

Start the last tournament series November 10, 2017.

Time control – 35 days per game each. Without vacation.

Using software PROHIBITED.

In case of a tie winners are determined:

– The result of a personal meeting;

– Berger coefficient;

– Number of wins;

– Lower value rating at the time of the start of a particular tournament.

As a result of all the winners are determined by a series of tournaments in the overall standings: on the amount of points scored in all competitions, plus a series of points for the taken places in each tournament, as follows:

– Average rating of the participants start to 1249 K-1 (for 1 st place 1 point)

– Average rating of participants starting 1250 – 1299 to 2 (for 1st place 2 points for 2nd place 1 point)

– Average rating of participants starting 1300 – 1349 to 3 (for 1 st place 3 points for 2nd place 2 points for 3rd place 1 point)

– Average rating of participants starting 1350 – 1399 to 4 (for 1st place 4 points, and so on point less)

– Average rating of participants starting 1400 – 1449 to 5 (for 1 st place 5 points, and so on point less)

– Average rating of participants starting 1450 – 1499 to 6 (for 1 st place 6 points, and so on point less)

– Average rating of participants starting 1500 – 1549 to 7 (for 1 st place 7 points, and so on point less)

and so on, but in 8 places, and are not below the glasses.

Satisfy their hunger – spreading STONES!

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