Pro-Gomoku 2015 Championship Championship Final

writer Category: Online Tournaments. Views: 3,368

Pro-Gomoku 2015 Championship Championship Final.

Winners (first 3 places) of preliminary stages participate in it. Circle in 1 circle. Places in the championship are distributed according to the rules:
1. By the number of points in the final.
2. In case of equality of points in p. 1 – by the number of victories in the preliminary stages.
3. In case of equality of victories in paragraph 2 – by the number of points scored in the last round of the preliminary stages.
4. In case of equality of points in paragraph 3 – by the number of points scored in all circles of the preliminary stages.
Prize-winners of the championship final are awarded with medals or cups on the personal page.
The winner enters the history of the site as the champion of the site in 2015. The Champions block will be built on the main page, in which the winners of such championships for each year will be entered.
Control – 3 days per turn.
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