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The party of the third round of Moscow Championship on Renju 2016. Another difficult party in which I decided not to be original, and put the 3 vertical debut, as he did earlier in the game with K. Nikonov .


My opponent is very well familiar with the debut and decided to find out what I can offer him, making reverse. I decided to play a long-known version, where according to various estimates there are from 5 to 8 winning fifth. Of course, ordering the 8-fifths. Last time I played it a couple of years ago in the Premier League with the Czech Republic S. Artemiev from St. Petersburg, where a very well played black with 7-fifths. This 5 course presented, seems to me the weakest. Among other alternatives: 5 with known variant of approximately equal to 1V, the G-5, likely for black, but you can try it with 6-A. 5-D and 5-E is not very easy to implement for Black.

White choosing between several options considered also moves more active 6-A and 6-B, however, the answer black C-7 seemed to be sufficient for retention position. Such positional 6 gives a game. Alternatives to the seventh or 7-A 7-C. 8 – quiet natural course for similar positions with the preparation of 10-V or 10-9. Black is required to play an active, to avoid encirclement. Strongest move perhaps 9-D. Almost all the rest lose immediately. 9E loses after 10-B, 9-B after 10-E and 12-K more or 12-9 depending on the closing triples. After 9 C white achieve a decisive advantage after 10-E, 11-F, 12-G, 13-B, 14-H and 16-J. 9 course of the party – the same, but non-trivial error.

Proper 10 and 11, the strongest! Not groped after winning trio suggests 12-A, White had to improvise in a rather difficult position. A few inaccurate moves, and black is completely surrounded with white, leaving at the same no chance of escape. At the same time the scoring with a 12-A was still:

If 17-28, then 18-18, 19-19, 20-20, 21-21, 22-23, 23-A, 24-22. Now you can not 25-C, TC White remains designation, and 25-B white catch foul 3 * 3 in point C. But back to the party.


13 move looks probably the most reliable. 14 – White trying to keep pace on their side. 15 course – a mistake, however, further rally white inaccurate that allows Black to escape from defeat. Correctly was 16 A, 17-17, 18-B, 19-C, 20-D, 21-E, 22-F. These passages 16 and 18 use the following idea: keep the attack of black symbol in B. However, this is not enough.

22 course is not the best, but at 22-A Black held the position 23-B. 29 optional course at the edge of closing, but in mutual time trouble Black decided to insure against the possible accumulation of white in the corner.

30 course – the only hope for the white somehow protect themselves from the impending threat. 31 course – bug White designation remains on a foul 3 * 3 to point B. In time trouble Black missed the remainder of the closure after 29 stroke threefold white. After 31-33 in non-white is nothing left, and Black two active flank on which one to defend the course it will be possible almost. 32 – another tseytnotnaya error. Instead of a direct win, put the white symbol, which is the defense of 33-35. On 33-33 should immediately pay: Black can no longer escape from the foul 4 * 4 38 after stroke. If 37-A, White wins after 38-C, 39-D, 40-B. You can even just 38-B, and if the 39-C, 40-E.

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