International Renju Federation

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The International Renju Federation – IFR (international name – The Renju International Federation – RIF) is the official organization dealing with Renju and Gomoku in the world. The goals of this federation are: to unite the countries-players in renju, to hold international tournaments, to spread and popularize the game of renju in the world.

The IFR was founded in 1988 in Stockholm by Japan, Sweden and the USSR. These countries have the status of founding countries. Russia has been the legal successor of the USSR in the IFR since 1991.
General Assembly
The General Assembly is the highest legislative and executive body of the IFR. She manages the activities of the Central Committee, the President of the Federation, other officials of the Federation, and also deals with the budget of the IFR, the schedule of activities and the election of the President of the Federation.

The General Assembly consists of the countries participating in the IFR, members of the Central Committee of the IFR and the chairman. The General Assembly is usually convened every two years, during the World Renju Championships.

Central Committee
The Central Committee (CC) deals with the issues of the IFR, supervises the activities of the President and other officials. In the process of work, the Central Committee puts forward recommendations on the Committee’s candidacies to the General Assembly.

At present, the Central Committee consists of seven positions: President, four Vice-Presidents, General Secretary, Treasurer. The General Assembly, if necessary, may also elect an Auditor of the Central Committee.

Members of the IFR
Country Status
Japan Founding country
Russia Founding country
Sweden Founding country
Canada Active member
PRC Active member
Thailand Active member of the organization
Czech Republic Active member of the organization
Estonia Active member of the organization
Finland Active member of the organization
Republic of Korea Active member
Poland Active member of the organization
Uzbekistan Active member of the organization
Armenia Passive member of the organization
Azerbaijan Passive member of the organization
Belarus Passive member of the organization
Latvia Passive member of the organization
Ukraine Passive member of the organization

Official website:


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