The main strategy of the game “Reversi”

writer Category: Logic games. Views: 4,381

Reversi is a strategic, intellectual game than similar to the more famous checkers, or chess. The whole game is divided into three stages: “debut”, “middle game”, “end game” (respectively, the initial stage, the continuation and end).

The game is simpler for beginners than chess, because there are fewer openings in it, and everything is well and quickly remembered. Even without great experience, the player is able to memorize and calculate about five openings, which will avoid losing moves. The middle game is the more difficult part of the game. At this stage, the player can greatly deteriorate, or vice versa, greatly improve their position. Even bad moves at the beginning of the game can acquire a winning character in the middle of the game.

One of the most frequently made mistakes by players is haste. Do not rush, it often led to a loss, even with positive results in the first two stages. Recalculation should expose those chips that may affect the final stage of the game, depending on the chosen tactics. The number of outcomes is varied, and depends on which move to begin to calculate. This makes the game more difficult and interesting, against artificial intelligence, which is able to calculate many more outcome options, unlike a person, thereby increasing their chances of winning.

Tactics for this game there are various, it is worth noting the most common of them. The simplest and most convenient tactic for beginners is to capture cells in the corners, of which the game field is already being captured. The next tactic is to limit the possible moves of the opponent. Here you should set a position that will limit the opponent’s moves, and each subsequent action will be beneficial for the player. Such tactics are most often resorted to by Japanese masters, who mastered it remarkably. Regardless of the tactics you choose, no doubt experience is paramount. It is with experience that the understanding of many subtleties of the Reversi game comes.

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