How to play Go

writer Category: Logic games. Views: 1,398

In the Eastern Game, Go is played on a square board with cells 19 x 19. On it, at the intersection of the lines, nine points are marked, called stars. Points are designed to set stones when playing with a handicap and for the convenience of players.

The game uses chips, their shape resembles a biconvex lens. Standard colors: white and black. Players call them stones, although they are made of glass or plastic. More expensive models are made of black slate and white sea shells. The number of chips the players have is different, there are more black chips by one unit. There are only 361 chips, that is, this number corresponds to the number of crosshairs on a 19 X 19 board. Players place stones in plastic or wooden bowls and place them near themselves.

The game begins with an empty board, but the player who plays black stones always makes the first move. You can take any intersection that does not take the enemy, but usually players begin to place stones closer to the corners of the board. All moves are performed in the order of the queue, the put stone from its place no longer moves. It can only be removed by the player who was able to surround him with his stones.

The Go game has four main rules:

The stone is placed at the intersection of the lines;
The stone cannot be moved;
Black starts first;
Players take turns
The game to seize the territory

The strategic game of Go has a main goal, it is the seizure of territories. Who will capture a large area of ​​the board, it is considered the winner. This strategy is used by businessmen from Japan, they are not trying to remove the enemy from the market, they interact with him, eventually capturing most of it. Learning the game takes place on a board with a smaller number of cells – 9 x 9. There are certainly few strategic opportunities, but the basic techniques and rules of the game will be mastered much faster. After you go to the board, where the number of cells is 13 x 13. It is enough to have short training sessions to confidently play on the board with a standard number of fields.

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