Connect History

writer Category: Logic games. Views: 1,676

On the Internet there is information to the game Connect6 on boards of a larger size than 19 per 19. This is done for a longer and more varied game. But if we count the variants of the development of the game on the board 19 to 19, then we will see that there are more of these options than in chess 10140 versus 10120. So, the complication of the game in this case has no practical meaning.

The main development of the game was after the presentation of Professor Ichen Wu. But since the rules of the game are simple, it is quite possible that someone could have previously played by such rules. For example, one of the claims: the idea of ​​the game (the Chinese name “六 子 棋”) appeared on the Internet around 1999 on the Chinese site of the BBS site, and then on other popular foreign sites, for example, (now However, not a single record of the game Connect6 has been preserved and no one can prove the authorship of the document.

The story is. One day in the summer of 2003, Professor Wu came up with this game, playing with his daughter. He decided to evaluate the potential of the game to become popular. To be popular, he reasoned, the game must be fair and complex, so he wrote a computer program for the game of Connect6 to calculate how fair and complex it is. In the spring of 2004, Professor Wu’s student, Day-Yen Huang, joined the project. In the first quarter of 2005, they completed the first Connect6 AI program, which was strong enough to beat most players.

In 2005, the Wu team wrote an article presented at the 11 Advances in Computer Games Conference (ACG11), held in Taipei, Taiwan, 2005.

In September 2005, ThinkNewIdea launched the first Connect6 game server.

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