The history of the game Go

writer Category: Logic games. Views: 1,165

The Chinese are not in vain considered to be the people who invented many amazing things, we all know about the “Chinese Wall”, gunpowder, silk and the “Great Silk Road”, martial arts, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. The Chinese have come up with a large number of games, including the strategic board game Guo, whose age is estimated at several thousand years. The European world learned about this game only recently, when the first white travelers and merchants were able to get to East Asia, but the game became world famous only in the 20th century.

The Chinese legends that modern scholars study in the Chinese annals have concluded that the game of Guo appeared in China in the third or second millennium BC. Its creation is attributed to the legendary Chinese emperor or his close courtiers.

Real-life evidence suggests that a large number of people in China definitely played in Guo 2,500 years ago; it is precisely in these times that there are written references to the game of Go in various documents.

As for the material evidence, archaeologists found stones for the game of Go and boards, as well as papers with records of the games played. According to experts, archaeological finds belong, at least to the beginning of our era.

The game began its triumphal march from Japan, where it fell in the seventh century AD, but only eight hundred years later, interest in the game became nationwide. After another five hundred years, the game hit America and Europe, where it immediately found a large number of fans among the white population of these countries.

At the moment, almost all European countries, including Russia, have sporting go federations, of course, the number of players is not as great as in eastern countries. The skill level of European players has not yet reached the heights of the masters of China, Japan and Korea.

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