Becoming gomoku in Russia

writer Category: History. Views: 1,449

In our country, in past centuries, the game “Gomoku” was known by the simpler and more familiar name “tic-tac-toe” or “five in a row”. In the dictionary of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, this game is referred to as “Heriki Oniki.” Although, until now it is not known for certain whether it was a game on a 3×3 board (tic-tac-toe) or a larger board (on such a board as for a game of gomoku).

Tournaments personal and team, how and when?

Like Renju tournaments, gomoku tournaments are also held, and they are not only of all-Russian, but also of international scale. Championships in the individual championship in gommoku began to be held back in the USSR, since 1984. A year later (in 1985) the first team tournament was held. Began to appear more participants, as the interest in the game every year more and more. Schools are opening up for this game, more and more literature on the rules, methods and tactical moves appears.

World Championships began to be held simultaneously with the Renju Championships, but this caused a lot of complications related to the teams, as a result, this decision was canceled, and the championships were held at different times. To date, the championships in both games began to be held at the same time, but soon it is planned to revise the dates of holdings in order to avoid the recurrence of complications with the teams.

Here are the first Gomoku World Championships:

Year of the tournament City, country of the tournament Champion Country
1989 Kyoto, Japan Sergey Chernov USSR
1991 Moscow, USSR Yury Tarannikov USSR
2009 Pardubice, Czech Republic Artur Tamiola Poland
2011 Huskvarna, Sweden Attila Demján Hungary
Separately, I would like to mention our compatriot, the first champion of the USSR and the world, a man who made a great contribution to the formation of homok in our country, Sergey Stanislavovich Chernov. Born in Moscow, June 12, 1962. He also died in Moscow on February 16, 2012 at the age of 49. He graduated from MIREA. All my life I worked as a programmer. He was the best player in the world in recognition of the RIF. The winner of the All-Union and All-Russian Gomoki Championships in 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1990, 1992, 2004, 2005. As well as the team championships in 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992. According to RIF statistics, Sergey Chernov, having played in 585 official games, won in 72% of these games.

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