How did the foul in Renju

writer Category: History. Views: 1,084

The game itself was known in the second millennium BC in China. The exact time of her birth is not known. For centuries, the rules of the game have not changed significantly. Around the 17th century, the game hit Japan. It was called “gomoku” or “gomokunarabe” and enjoyed great popularity in Japan. The name “Renju” appeared only in 1899.

But the disparity in winning chances for blacks and whites was already apparent then. There was a need to somehow change the rules of the game.

The very definition of “foul” appeared at the moment when the game, from the category of “for rest and pleasure,” began to turn into a “sports game.” The year 1906 can be considered the official beginning of this formation, because it was then that the Renju Tokyo Association appeared.

1936 is considered another stage in the formation of Renju, at this time the rules of the game were formed and established and the Renju Federation in Japan began to develop and act in the most active way. It can be said that the process of formation and development of the game, as an independent sport in Japan, lasted 30 years.

What appeared in the end? The first thing that was created is a qualification system of a sports type: DAN “DAN” and KYU “KY”. Now the lowest category is the 12th, the highest – the first (KJ). The lowest DAN is the first (“sho-dan”), the highest 9th. Above the DAN of the 9th – there is the title “Meijin” (translated as “sage”). Secondly, since many talented fans of the game appeared, it became clear that when playing without restrictions for Whites and Blacks, the one who walks first wins (in Renju, Black always makes the first move). A new rule has appeared, which applied a number of restrictions to Blacks. The resolution of this issue fell on the interval between the twenties and thirties of the XX century. Significantly quickly invented to limit the board and make it 15×15. Then it was decided to forbid Black to build forks “3×3″. This solution was successful, but not very effective. As a result, forks “3×3″ and “4×4″ were banned, as well as the construction of “long rows”, called classics in the modern game. Only a 4×3 plug for Black remains allowed. Thus, the rules were finally established and became as we see them now.

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