Around the tournament: XXIII Championship of Russia

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Perhaps it is impossible to fit all the information about a major event in the life of renzistov exclusively in the analysis of parties, and some things are completely out of place there. A series of publications “around the tournament” will be devoted to all sorts of circulating interest.

One of the participants of the championship traditionally after a major tournament is 10 facts about this tournament. So, 10 interesting facts about the Higher League from Maxim Karasev:

1. In the tournament, two Major League debutants Anastasia and Ilya played, and they took 15th and 16th places, respectively. The draw brought them to the final round, and Ilya still won his first victory in this tournament.

2. At the end of the first game day, one of the judges tried to cover the window, as a result, it broke out and fell. It was in the room between the game rooms. About one and a half hours there was a terrible cold. But still the window was closed.

3. During the parties in the neighboring rooms, rehearsals of concerts, Shrovetide festivities were often held, but at the end of the tournament and the festivities themselves. Of course, the noise of rehearsing and “walking” was heard in the playing hall. Thus, the main soundtrack for this tournament was the song of the St. Petersburg group Ivan Kupala “Eyebrows”. And I also remember the case of Mikhailov’s party ending. Alexander arranged the winning in the party with Filinov under the “vocalization” of the rehearsing girl “Lyuboooooov”, the ending of his other part was held under the musical theme from the cartoon “Well, wait!”

4. The tournament was won by Pavel Makarov, who wrote in the subject line “CR 2015 – predictions and bids”, an ambiguous phrase “At the last place, I see, is it all lined up? Who is last? I will borrow. ”

5. Pavel Makarov won the Major League for the second time, and both times it was in Suzdal. The second place went to Oleg Fedorkin, who also performs well in this city. He won the European Championship and several Open tournaments here. It can be said that Suzdal is a city where the editors of Moscow renzistkih editions perform well.

6. Alexander Mikhailov for the first time in a long time held a tournament without beer. The inspiration for his drink at this tournament was mead. In his cabin one could admire the borders of plastic bottles.

7. Alexander Mikhailov again bought a sponsor’s place and again took the 7th place, not hooked on the six.

8. Sergey Artemyev offered a two-time draw in sharp obscure positions and both times received agreement after a long reflection of the rivals.

9. In the dining room we had a buffet, and since the tournament was held on Maslenitsa week, we were regularly fed pancakes. Pancakes were as one of the dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

10. Immediately after closing I had to go to the station in Vladimir, I had a very early train to NN. It’s funny that the prize, relying on the third place, is equal to the cost of a taxi Suzdal – Vladimir …

On the evening of February 15, near the end of the second round, a window suddenly fell between two gaming halls. A real blizzard was raging outside, and the halls began to get cold rather quickly. The window opening was very quickly scored so that the next day nothing was reminiscent of the incident. The old-time participants recalled a variety of incidents during the championships of Russia, but this was not yet what they said. In the photo: Maxim Karasev shows a bronze medal and the remnants of the window that fell out.

Toward the end of the week, a fair arrived at the beginning of the broad Shrovetide at the State Customs Committee. And everything would be fine if it were not for the musical accompaniment in the last few days of the tournament, which caused the players considerable inconvenience. Everyone adapted as best he could: who danced to cheerful rhythms, and who sought the means of protection against noise. In the photo: Alexander Mikhailov in headphones.

During the championship, two participants celebrated their birthday: Oleg Fedorkin and Kira Laško. It is noteworthy that both of them won prizes. In the photo: winners of the highest league XXIII championship of Russia Maxim Karasev, Pavel Makarov, Oleg Fedorkin and prize-winners of the women’s championship of Russia Nonna Salnikova, Cyrus Lasko and Alexander Sumarokov.

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