Championship games of St. Petersburg, part 1

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In the midst of this is the 33rd St. Petersburg Renju Championship. Already played 6 calendar tours, tomorrow, April 19, will be played two more rounds. In this publication, you are invited to the analysis of some games of the championship. Some parties have already been published earlier.

Round 2 Party Lisyutin – Filinov, 1-0

9 diagonal debut was ordered with 4 fifths, alternative – 6,7,13. This 5th move is bad, but White didn’t play precisely for 8th move. The correct 8 move is 8-22. Wagering of the four on the tenth move also turned out to be superfluous, in fact, this was the decisive mistake. Trying to catch a foul, White gave a decisive pace to Black, 13th move wins. Also wins 13-15. If you don’t win the four with 10 moves, but play 10-12, then White still has chances to fight: 11-14, 12-11, 13-10, 14-13.

Party 4 round Balabay – Filinov, 0-1

7 diagonal was ordered with 5, alternative – 7,9,10,21. This 5 is the fourth in strength, the most difficult to implement. 6 move is one of the most stubborn, another difficult 6-21 – transfer to the sixth debut. 8 – the strongest defense, for 10 moves there are several points, however, everywhere Black has an advantage, which is enough to win. Move 11 is not the strongest, the best is 11-12. Turn 12 is the best. The best draw with such 11 is 13-A, 15-26 and 17-B. With the same draw, White has to wait until Black’s initiative ends. After the 20th move, the fate of blacks is almost predetermined.

Party 5 round Filinov-Potapov, 0-1

The first diagonal opening was put on a yamaguchi with a fifth move. 7 and 8 moves – the strongest. The 9th move is rarely found in playing practice and, apparently, is not very good for Black. Black still retains some initiative on the right, but they do not have a decisive pace sufficient for a strong attack, which means that sooner or later the tempo will go to White. In the game it happened: after 26 move, Black probably didn’t have any defenses.

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