Started the 33rd Championship of St. Petersburg

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January 31 – February 1 passed the first few rounds of the XXXIII St. Petersburg Renju Championship. Unlike the Moscow Championship, the St. Petersburg competition takes place in the first half of the year. The championship is held on the debut regulations yamasyrv-7

Participants of the tournament:
1. Kalnitsky Oleg
2. Salnikov Pavel
3. Catherine Rumyantseva
4. Lisyutin Alexander
5. Kachaev Denis
6. Balabay Victor
7. Potapov Alexey
8. Bushkovsky Ludwik
9. Katsev Ilya
10. Filinov Vladimir
11. Kuleshov Mikhail
12. Salnikova Nonna

We should also mention the venue. The first games were planned to be held in the Chess Club “on Petrogradskaya”, however, due to the chess tournament appointed at the same time, the party had to be moved to another place.

All already known results:

Kalnitsky – Salnikova (Tour 1) – 1: 0
Salnikov – Kuleshov (Tour 1) – 1: 0
Rumyantseva – Filinov (Tour 1) – 0: 1
Kachaev – Bushkovsky (Tour 1) – 1: 0
Lisyutin – Katsev (Tour 1) – 0: 1

Kalnitsky – Salnikov (Tour 2) – 0: 1
Kuleshov – Rumyantsev (tour 2) – ½: ½
Katsev – Kachaev (tour 2) – 0: 1

Katsev – Potapov (tour 4) – 0: 1

Filinov – Bushkovsky (tour 6) – 1: 0

Kalnitsky – Bushkovsky (tour 8) – 1: 0

Parties will be published on the website of the International Renju Federation.

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