List of players who have become eligible to participate in Renju World Championship rated

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As previously reported, the XIV World Cup in Renju and Gomoku will be held in the Russian city of Suzdal.

Below is a list of 20 players who are eligible to participate in the World Cup QT Renju by rating (TOP 20 players who have played at least 10 rating games over the past year):

Nakamura Shigeru
Oosumi Yuki
Hiroshi Okabe
Lin Huan-Yu
Nakayama Tomoharu
Fukui Nobuhiro
Chen Kohan
Kamiya Shansuk
Ants Soosirv
All Aivo
Tati Masoy
Tamada Yoichi
Fedorkin Oleg
Yoshihiro Iio
Nikonov Konstantin
Van a
Dmitry Epifanov
Sato Kiyotomi
Makarov Pavel
Matsuura Hiroshi

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