Regulations for the XXIII Championship of Russia in Renju

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XXIII Championship of Russia on Renju

Suzdal, February 14-22, 2015

1. General Provisions. In accordance with the Unified calendar plan of interregional, All-Russian and international sports and sports events of the Ministry of Sports for 2015, in the period from February 14 (day of arrival) to February 22, 2015 in the city of Suzdal in the city of Suzdal, the Russian Renju Championship is held (men, women). The tournament is held in accordance with the “Rules of sport checkers” (raju discipline) in order to determine the strongest ranzisty Russia.

2. Participants of the competition. According to the “Regulations on interregional and All-Russian official sport competitions in drafts for 2015,” are allowed to participate in the Russian Championship:

Men (16 people):
– athletes who took 1-5 places in the XXII Championship of Russia in Renju (February 2014);
– athletes who took 1-10 places in the All-Russian tournament in Renju (November 2014);
– 1 athlete claimed by the organization hosting the competition.
The spare list consists of participants of the All-Russian Renju Tournament (November 2014), who took 11-17 places.

– current champions and prize-winners of the world championships of 2013 and Russia of 2014;
– champions and prize-winners of the world championships of 2013 and Europe of 2014;
– The winners and prize-winners of the Russian Championships in Renju among juniors (18-23 years, 2014) and among girls (13-17 years, 2014);
– winners and prize-winners of championships of the subjects of the Russian Federation (2014);
– athletes with a Russian rating of 2100 and above.

3. Conditions of the tournament.

The tournament is held in a circular system in 1 round. Debut timeline: reject – Yamaguchi, Soosirv-7. Time control: 2 hours for each participant for the whole game plus 30 seconds for each move.

The system of the tournament depends on the number of participants of the tournament and is established by the panel of judges. Debut time limit: Yamaguchi. Time limit: 1 hour 40 minutes for each participant for the whole game, plus 30 seconds for each move.

If, after a time delay by one of the participants, it turns out that his opponent does not have the theoretical possibility of building a winning combination on the board according to the rules in force, the game is considered a drawn game.

4. Definition of occupied places. When determining the places occupied by participants in the tournament, the following indicators are taken into account (in order of succession):
– The total number of points scored in this tournament;
– Berger coefficient;
– the results of personal meetings between the applicants in this tournament;
– the number of victories.

If the points at issue are prize-winning or qualifying, then if all these indicators are equal between the applicants, a series of additional two-round tournaments with a shortened time control is held until the distribution of seats is fully ascertained. Otherwise, if all these indicators are equal, the places are divided.

5. Rights of winners.

The winner of the tournament is declared the champion of Russia in Renju 2015, is awarded a medal, a diploma of I degree and a cup and receives a personal right to participate in the 2015 World Championships. Participants who take 2-3 places are awarded with medals and diplomas. Athletes who took places from 1st to 6th at the end of the tournament receive the right to participate in the 24th Russian Championship without selection. Participants who took places from the 2nd to the 10th receive 16, 14, 12, 11, 10, 7, 6, 5, 5 points respectively in the competition qualifying for the 2015 World Cup.

The winner of the tournament is declared the champion of Russia in Renju 2015, is awarded a medal, a diploma of I degree and a cup and receives a personal right to participate in the 2015 World Cup. Participants who took 2-3 places are awarded with medals and diplomas. At the end of the tournament, participants receive points in the qualification selection for the 2015 World Cup.

6. The main referee of the tournament is the 1st category judge A. Krupikov (Vladimir).

7. Financing. Payment for travel, meals and accommodation of participants is made by sending organizations. Participant entry fee is 1000 rubles.

8. Tournament schedule:

The opening of the tournament, the draw of participants – February 14, 19:00
February 15-21 – morning tour from 9:00, afternoon – from 14:30
February 22 last tour from 9:00
Closing of the tournament, awarding the winners – February 22, 15:00

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