Games from Christmas Renju Tournament 2016 – part 3

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Round 5 is a respite tour, and ended, unfortunately, also without surprises. The most interesting thing was that seven people had 3 points after the 4th round, including my opponent for the round. I had to play with 1kyu from Rybinsk Arseniy Fedoseev. Even before the start of the tournament, I decided to put all kushniks on 7D, since it has a number of advantages: the number of fifths starts from 5, there are 7 or 8 playable fifth moves in it, losing fifth moves are usually not very difficult for White, but there is a plus more or less equal option for both colors. To put it simply, this opening requires knowledge of the theory, otherwise you can pay quite simply.

I bet 7D with 6, Arseniy decided not to play the canonical variation, which is justified in principle with a large number of fifths. This 4th move is one of the most persistent and it took me some time to count the fifth ones. such a 6th move loses, perhaps 6-A is better, but even after that Black’s position is very good and, perhaps, there is a victory. Intending to play 7-8 when setting up fifths for such a development, and counting after the 6th move White’s win in response to 7-8, I took a pause for reflection. The 7th move I put was probably the second most powerful one, since after the analysis after the game it turned out that 7-12, 8-20,9-9 led to a quick win for Black. However, Arseniy chose the wrong plan and played very passively, after the 8th move Black had a forced win, which was placed in the game. On such a 7th move, one should play 8-A, 9-B, 10-C, 11-D, 12-8, 13-17, 14-20, 21-E, for 22 there are options, for example 22-F. Black still has the advantage, but at least White’s position doesn’t look hopeless. My opponent’s attempt to reduce the variation into a mutually unfamiliar one did not end with success.

Evening Round 6 and the most important game for me. I had to play with Evgeny Myasoedov, who, unfortunately, was not confirmed in the last first league and lost 5 dan. The game was principled for several reasons: firstly, in order to qualify for high places, a victory was needed, since almost all key matches are over. Secondly, Eugene, like me, is a well-known fan of the 3rd vertical opening.


Evgeny decided not to come up with anything new and put 3B with two fifths. 3B is known as the white-colored opening, there is one fifth move that is strong for black (5-10), the rest are more or less for white, so I left white for myself. 4th move is the only one that can be offered at two-fifths. Evgeniy offered fifths, 5-5 and 5-27, which are a bit strange in my opinion. Later, he explained this by saying that he decided to play sharper so that there would be no draw (apparently, he remembers our game in the first league, where we played 5-8 and drew). The 5-5 has a reputation for being weaker, so I chose it almost without hesitation. 7th move – sharp, usually the white pair is closed on the other side, getting a more calm, positional variation. However, this variation is strong for White, and with accurate play it gives a very large advantage. 9 move – the strongest, 9-11, once popular, loses. Further – the theory, the 20th move is the key for this variation. A good point that allows White to start a break and attack on the other flank. 21 moves, apparently, the strongest, for 23 there are several points. after the 26th move, black no longer has defenses, the 35 symbol is teased by the white triple 36, after which white inevitably wins. The chosen weak variation for black became the main culprit of the defeat.
At the next table there was also a sharp struggle, Evgeny Smirnov unexpectedly lost in the opening, having missed a foul.

Commented by Anton Golomarev

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