Championship games of St. Petersburg, part 1

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Continuation of the analysis of the parties of the 33rd championship of St. Petersburg, the previous part is here.


Party 5 round Kuleshov – Balabay, 1-0

13 Vertical was set according to co-ore-7 (according to Yamaguchi, 13th debuts cannot be played due to White’s win). 4th move was put with 4 fifth, alternative – 6, 7, 13. With this fifth move, the theory advises to play 6-14, this 6th move is worse. 24th move is a mistake, after 25th Black has a forced win, which was placed in the game.


Round 6 game, balling-Kachaev, 1 / 2-1 / 2

2 diagonal debut was ordered with 7 fifths, alternative – 9,11,12,13,14,55. This 14 is weak, the theory advises active development for whites 14-56. A stronger 15, which can be offered 15-16. White fought off by the 32 move and after a little struggle for the initiative, the tempo went to him. However, after the drawing from the bottom left, White almost had no space, with 53, Black makes the right flank much safer for himself and after a small attack his position becomes almost drawn, while a draw was made on 83.

Results of all played tours:

Round 1:
Salnikov – Kuleshov – 1: 0
Rumyantseva – Filinov – 0: 1
Kachaev – Bushkovsky – 1: 0
Lisyutin – Katsev – 0: 1

Round 2:
Kalnitsky – Salnikov – 0: 1
Kuleshov – Rumyantsev) – ½: ½
Katsev – Kachaev – 0: 1
Filinov – Lisyutin – 0: 1
Bushkovsky – Balabay – 0: 1

Round 3:
Rumyantsev – Kalnitsky – 0: 1
Salnikov – Salnikova – 1: 0
Lisyutin – Kuleshov – 0: 1
Kachaev – Filinov – 1: 0
Balabay – Katsev – 1: 0
Potapov – Bushkovsky +: –

Round 4:
Katsev – Potapov – 0: 1
Salnikov – Rumyantseva – 1: 0
Kalnitsky – Lisyutin 1: 0
Kuleshov – Kachaev 0: 1
Filinov – Balabay 1: 0

5 round:
Lisyutin – Salnikov – 0: 1
Rumyantseva – Salnikova – 0: 1
Kachaev – Kalnitsky – 1: 0
Balabay – Kuleshov 0: 1
Potapov – Filinov 1: 0
Bushkovsky – Katsev 0: 1

6 round:
Rumyantseva – Lisyutin 1: 0
Salnikova – Katsev – 1: 0
Kalnitsky – Balabai) – 0: 1
Salnikov – Kachaev – ½: ½
Filinov – Bushkovsky – 1: 0

Round 7:
Bushkovsky – Kuleshov – 0: 1

Round 8:
Kalnitsky – Bushkovsky – 1: 0

Round 9:
Kachaev – Salnikova – 1: 0

Round 10:
Salnikova – Kuleshov – 1: 0
Salnikov – Katsev – 1: 0

Round 11:
Katsev – Rumyantseva 1: 0
Kuleshov – Kalnitsky – 0: 1

5 rounds are still not played, as well as some transferred games. The next two rounds will take place tomorrow, April 19. The portal will continue to follow the course of the tournament, which will end in late May.


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