Russian Youth Championship Review 2018

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Today in Rybinsk, the youth championship of Russia in Renju has started. 63 participants from 7 localities (4 regions) will play 6 sets of awards. Your attention is invited to the most interesting moments of the upcoming competition.

Some general information:

Age groups:
Juniors, juniors born 1995-2000
Boys, girls born in 2001-2005
Boys, girls born in 2006 and younger

Debut timeline:
Juniors, juniors born 1995-2000 – Soosirv-8;
Boys, girls born in 2001-2005 – Soosirv-8, Soosirv-8, players with a rank of 1 Kyu and below are entitled to request the Taraguchi-10 regulation;
Boys, girls born in 2006 and younger – Tarannikov;

Time limit:
Juniors and Juniors born in 1995-2000, Boys and Girls born in 2001-2005 – 1 hour 30 minutes + 30 seconds of Fisher per turn
Boys and Girls born in 2006 and younger. – 1 hour + 30 seconds of Fisher per turn.

The most difficult group is the group of young men. Swiss, 18 participants. The main favorites to win: Denis Fedotov, 7 dan from Podugi and Ivan Danilin, 6 dan from Moscow. The main competitors will be Nikita Dyachkov, 5 dan from Podugi, and also the only representative of Arkhangelsk 5 dan Maxim Metreveli.

The fate of gold in a group of girls is not clear. Moreover, perhaps even more interesting, tough and uncompromising struggle is expected here. Representatives of Nizhny Novgorod Sofia Tolstoguzova (3rd dan) and Taisiya Sadova (1st dan) will compete with Kristina Stulova, Ksenia Matushkina and Vladislav Vokhtomina (all are 4 dan). It is very difficult to predict the outcome, a lot will depend on the preparation for the tournament and the current game form.

Tight fighting for the top three will be in the group of boys. It’s even hard to pick out clear favorites. And all the main contenders are the same as a year ago: Yegor Stoyanov (1 dan), Andrei Prokopiev (2 kyu), Dmitry Agarkov (3 kyu), Egor Fokichev (3 kyu) – all from Podugi and Mikhail Sidorov (2 kyu, Konosh).

In the group of girls, everything seems a little clearer. The obvious favorite is Daria Yusupmurzina (Podyuga, 4 dan), who took 4th place in the recent Russian women’s championship. And Ekaterina Porokhina (Podyuga, 3 dan) and Daria Tolstoguzova (Nizhny Novgorod, 2 kyu) will be her main competitor.

In the smallest groups of juniors and juniors there is no particular intrigue. The favorites are representatives of Podugi Roman Kryuchok, 7 dan and Anastasia Oborina, 5 dan. Perhaps the main intrigue here is how participants will share 2-3 places in each of the groups.
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