Youth Festival of Sports Logic Games in Tallinn

writer Category: News, Championships. Views: 1,951

July 27, 2105g. in Tallinn was held the Youth Sports Logical Games Festival.

Taraguchi, 30 min + 1 sec / turn

Tournament table

№ Name Points 1 2 3 4 5 6

1  Aivo Oll,           6     10:W  8:W  2:W  5:W  4:W  6:W
2  Villem Mesila,      4      7:W  3:W  1:L  6:W  5:W  4:L
3  Kristofer Lõhmus,   4     11:W  2:L  6:L  9:W  7:W  5:W
4  Argo Lillemaa,      3.5    8:D 10:W  5:L  7:W  1:L  2:W
5  Deniss Orlov,       3      6:W  9:W  4:W  1:L  2:L  3:L
6  Tuuli Tiivel,       3      5:L 12:W  3:W  2:L 11:W  1:L
7  Markus Ikla,        2.5    2:L 11:W  9:D  4:L  3:L 12:W
8  Sander Piik,        2.5    4:D  1:L 12:L 10:L  9:W 11:W
9  Mark Heidmets,      2.5   12:W  5:L  7:D  3:L  8:L 10:W
10 Siim Tiivel,        2      1:L  4:L 11:L  8:W 12:W  9:L
11 Carmen Jõgimaa,     2      3:L  7:L 10:W 12:W  6:L  8:L
12 Karl-Mattias Moor,  1      9:L  6:L  8:W 11:L 10:L  7:L

The composition of the tournament was purely Estonian, from the promising youth only Martin Khobemagi did not play there.

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