Results of the 2nd qualifying tournament of the Russian Championship Gomoku

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On March 7–9, the second qualifying tournament of the Russian Gomoki Championship was held in Moscow. The tournament was held in the library number 186 them. S.A. Yesenin. Debut time limit swap 2, time control 70 minutes + 20 seconds of phisher. The tournament was held on the Swiss system in 7 rounds.

Final results:

1. Denis Osipov – 5.5 points (28.5 accounts.)
2. Yuri Tarannikov – 5.5 (28)
3. Mikhail Kozhin – 5
4. Ilya Muratov – 4.5
5. Yuri Tayblin – 4 (28,06)
6. Alexander Bogatyrev – 4 (24,55)
7. Vladimir Mokeev – 4 (22,21)
8. Andrey Sviridov – 4 (15.66)
9. Andrei Sedov – 3.5
10. Vladimir Sinitsyn – 3 (28.66)
11. Anatoly Smirnov – 3 (26)
12. Ilya Katsev – 3 (24.5)
13. Ekaterina Rumyantseva – 3 (21.5)
14. Igor Sadelov – 3 (21.05)
15.Aleksey Lebedev – 2 (24.55)
16. Dmitry Gorbachev – 2 (20.5)
17. Anna Averina – 1

On the last day there was a blitz tournament with a control of 1 minute + 2 seconds of phisher. Circle in two batches. In the blitz tournament Ilya Muratov won, the full results:

1. Ilya Muratov – 18 points
2. Mikhail Kozhin – 16 points (161 Berger coefficient)
3. Yuri Tarannikov – 16 points (151)
4. Alexander Bogatyrev – 16 points (143)
5. Denis Osipov – 14 points
6. Andrey Sviridov – 12 points
7. Vladimir Sinitsyn – 8 points (85)
8. Alexey Lebedev – 8 points (56)
9. Vladimir Mokeev – 7 points (71)
10. Igor Sadelov – 7 points (52)
11. Artem Yanov – 5 points (42)
12. Andrey Sedov – 5 points (35)

According to the results of the competition, Denis Osipov and Yuri Tarannikov, who took the first two places, received vouchers to the Russian Gomoki Championship. Let me remind you that the first qualifying tournament was held in November last year in Tyumen, according to its results, Mikhail Lomakin and Andrey Litvinenko passed to the Russian championship. Ilya Muratov and Mikhail Kozhin have personal places. In total, 10 people will take part in the Russian Gomoki Championship. The names of two more players can be determined in the third qualifying tournament, which will be held in St. Petersburg on May 9-11. Who will receive the remaining vouchers for the Russian Championship will be determined by a complex formula that takes into account the participation of players in various qualifying tournaments of this season.


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