World Championships in Renju

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The first meeting of the International Renju Federation (RIF) was held in 1988. The meeting was attended by representatives of three countries: the USSR, Sweden and Japan. Then it was decided to hold the World Renju Championship in Japan (Kyoto) in 1989.

Championship system
The world renju championship consists of three parts (AT, QT and BT). QT – qualifying tournament. It passes through the Swiss system. QT Prizewinners reach the final (AT). Also in AT get a few people in the national places. A total of 12 people participate in AT. In the finals they play a round robin tournament. There is determined the world champion.
The third part of the tournament is BT. This is an open tournament, anyone can participate in it. Prizewinners of this tournament can participate in QT. Also in QT, all participants of the past AT and players from the TOP-20 RIF rating can play.

The winner of the previous AT (the current world champion) always has the right to participate in the AT next time.

National places
Each RIF member country can put up to three participants in QT and AT. These are national places and they do not depend on QT, AT or BT wins. If the country is not a member of the RIF, then it has one national place. With that in AT you can put as many people as from this country took from 1 to 7 places in the past AT. The remaining places give the right to participate in QT.

Renju and Gomoku World Championships

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