Announcement: Open Championship of Voronezh Renju

Toxaz Category: Championships. Tags: , Views: 1,304

April 22-23, April Voronezh held the open championship of the city of Renju.

This tournament is interesting primarily because it will be the first full-time venue, where it is expected the participation of many active users of the portal

Are allowed to participate in the tournament everyone!

Information about the event:
Venue: TBA pre-: Voronezh, Voronezh Regional Resource Center (Lenina, 10).
Dates: April 22-23,
of the system: Swiss, 7 rounds.
Debut regulations: TBA likely Regulation Tarannikova (5 reverse).
Time control: 60 minutes + 20 seconds Fischer for each player per game.
Entry fee: none.

Pre-tournament schedule:
April 22:
09:30 – opening of the tournament
10:00 – first round
12:00 – the second round
15:00 – the third round
17:30 – fourth round

April 23:
09:00 – fifth round
11:30 – the sixth round
14:00 – the seventh round
16:30 – blitz
18:00 – closing

Are allowed to participate in the tournament everyone!

Applications can be sent direct to your private messages, to mail, as well as on Vkontakte page
application must contain the following information: last name, first name, city, category if there is a contact number phone. You can also specify the existing ranks of other intellectual disciplines (chess, checkers, go, shogi).
Applications should be sent no later than April 17!

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