Taiwan’s 6th major match

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In January and February of this year, the Taiwanese masters took place, and it was also Taiwan’s 6th major match. The match took place between the current Mejin Lin Shu-Xuan and the winner of the Mejin-tournament Lin Huang Yu. The Taiwan major match is a Japanese carbon copy and consists of 5 games; held on the debut regulations yamaguchi.

Lin Huang-Yu – Lin Shu-Xuan, 0-1

The first batch took place on January 3. In the first installment put the current mezhdzhin. Alternative fifths: 9,11,21,25, j8. This 6th move is not very popular, Lin Shu-Xuan, apparently decided on him with an eye on his game on the teammate with Taymla, where the Estonian used this 6 and won. Turn 20 is a novelty. In a 29 move, it might have been worth playing the four 29-30 After White 30, White has a calm position. 41 moves – a yawn, White has the designation.

Lin Shu-Xuan – Lin Huang-Yu, 0-1

The second party took place on January 4th. The second vertical was ordered with 8 fifth, alternative: 6,7,8,18,25,27,30. Modern theory recommends that this fifth move be put in the other direction 5-29. Further drawing up to move 14 is optimal. 15th move is not the best because of 16-16! In the left corner, Black does not have enough space to win, and the attempt to transfer the attack to the other flank was unsuccessful – White picked up the pace and quickly won.

Lin Huang-Yu – Lin Shu-Xuan, 1 / 2-1 / 2

The third game was played after a short break, January 31. The third vertical has the reputation of a white-color debut even with one fifth move, although the main fifth move is still evaluated in favor of Black. 4 and 6 are the only ones. The 9th move is interesting, one of the most relevant today, since it has been little studied and is rarely observed in gaming practice. The most popular 11 move is 11-19. In general, at the beginning, whites got a less calm game. The 28th move is sharp, Black should have considered the attack options on the left. By playing the troika with 38, White secured this flank. With 41 moves, Black gave up the pace and the rest of the game went on in the fight for the initiative. White could not find a decisive advantage anywhere. a draw is a logical outcome. 1.5-1.5 after three batches. In case Lin Shu-Xuan wins the next game, he retains the title.

Lin Shu-Xuan – Lin Huang-Yu, 0-1

The fourth game took place the next day, February 1. And again, 4 is vertical, but this time, to keep the whites for themselves, Lin Huan-Yu ordered 5 fifths, alternative: 18, f10, g7, g10. Turn 13 is a novelty. White is in no hurry to aggravate the position and almost beat off by the 30th move. 33 move is very weak, after 34 Black already has no defenses. White perfectly realize the win without a chance for the opponent. intrigue preserved, and even some! To retain the title, Lin Shu-Xuan must win the next game.

Lin Shu-Xuan – Lin Huang-Yu, 1-0

The decisive fifth game took place on February 8th. Lin Shu-Xuan put the first vertical with five-fifths. The only party in which there was no reverse after the third turn. This fourth move is interesting, the theory advises to put it here and not in the symmetrical paragraph 4-9. A stronger 6th move is 6-8 (Oosumi-Taymla’s game from the previous World Cup 2013), the same 6 translation in the well-known approximately equal option 1B from 4-6 and 5-5. The 16 move is too sharp, White does not intercept the initiative, while Black has almost the entire board in his possession. 20 move, perhaps it would be better to do in e7. The decisive mistake is the 22nd move, it was probably worth playing more squatly, for example 22-29. This would have allowed Black to go to the right flank, however, a quick defeat would not have given it exactly.

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