24th Russian Championship Renju

writer Category: Championships. Views: 1,365

Renju is increasingly part of our lives. And we encourage you to do this game more tightly. In the expanses of the Internet can be, but is not always easy to find everything you need to explore the game.

And now we look at the leading Russian rendzistami the example of the last championship of Russia.

Russia, Moscow, February 20-28, 2106 Premier League

1 place went from Constantine Nikonov Elecrtostal – 12.5 points (Berger 90.75)

2010 – Gold medal of the Russian Championship

2008, 2012, 2014 – silver medal of the Russian Championship

2001 2009 – bronze medalchempionatov RF

2nd place went to Oleg Fedorkin from Moscow – 11.5 points (Berger 71.75)

2012 – Gold Medal personal European Championship

2014 – Silver Medal of the Russian Championship

3rd place went to Paul Salnikov from St. Petersburg – 10.5 points (Berger 68,75)

1995 and 2002 – a gold medal of the Russian Championship

2000 – silver medal of the Russian Championship

2005 – Bronze medal of the Russian Championship

4 place was Denis Fedotovs from Podyuga – 10 points (Berger 62.75)

5th place went to Dmitri Epifanov from Moscow – 9 points (Berger 57,00)

2013 2014 – Gold Medal of the Russian championships

6 place went Aleksandru Mihaylovu from Moscow – 9 points (Berger 56,00)

2003 – Gold Medal of the Russian Championship

1998, 2011, 2013 – silver medal of the Russian Championship

1994 – bronze medalchempionata RF

7 place was Roman hooks from Podyuga – 9 points (55,50 Berger)
8 Roman Berezin place went from Lower Novgorod – 7.5 points (Berger 48.50)

9 place went Sergeyu Artemevu of St. Petersburg – 7.5 points (48.25 Berger)

2011 – Gold Medal of the Russian Championship

2005 – silver medal of the Russian Championship

10 Paul Makarov place went from Moscow – 7.5 points (Berger 45.50)

2012 in 2015 – a gold medal of the championship of Russia

2002 2014 – Bronze medal individual European championships

11th place went to Alexander Radzevelyuku from Rybinsk – 6.5 points (44.25 Berger)

12th place went to Alekseu Potapovu from St. Petersburg – 5.5 points (35.50 Berger)

13th place went to Karen Sirategyanu from Moscow – 5 points (Berger 36.75)

14th place went Sergeyu Volkovu from Rybinsk – 4 points (Berger 25,00)

Founder Rybinsk club Renju. Coach Alexander Radzevelyuka Yuri Tayblina, Aleksandra Ryabova, Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

15th place went Viktoru Balabayu from St. Petersburg – 3.5 points (19.50 Berger)

2013 – Bronze medal of the Russian Championship

16 place was Michael Mikryukova of Podyuga – 2.5 points (Berger 13.75)

Sources: renju.net

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