XXIII Russian Championship Renju

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From February 14 to February 22, the Russian Renju Championship took place in Suzdal. The champion of Russia was Pavel Makarov. The competition was held according to the debut regulations of Yamasyrv – 7, with a temporary control of 2 hours + 30 seconds of the phisher.

Tournament results:
1. Makarov 11.5
2. Fedorkin 11.5
3. Karasev 10.5
4. Epifanov 10
5. Nikonov 10
6. Artemyev 9

7. Mikhailov 8.5
8. Golomarev 7.5
9. Filinov 7.5
10. Hook 6.5
11. Salnikov 6
12. Fedotov 6
13. Balabay 6
14. Metreveli 5.5
15. Oborin 2.5
16. Katsev 1,5

Previously, Pavel Makarov had already won the Russian championship in 2012, then the championship was also held in Suzdal.

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