Impressions from the Russian Championship Part 1

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The 23rd Russian Renju Championship is over, we can sum up the results. I went to the tournament in order to try to fight for a place in the middle of the table, and in general, I more than succeeded. Last year at the championship I took the penultimate, 15th place with 4.5 points, this year I’m already 8th with 7.5 points. There is progress. The only thing that has changed a little for the worse is that I began to bet more often on yamaguchi than on co-sire. Let me remind you that the opening regulations were yamasyrv-7 and the first player had the opportunity to make a debut both in yamaguchi and in coosyrv-7. There was some kind of the first league, where I put 3B on sourse for almost everyone (then still on sourse-5), this time I preferred the yamaguchi regulations more. Apparently, this is due to the fact that I analyze the classic five-movers more and more, and it is more convenient to get them exactly by yamaguchi. In total, out of 15 games in yamaguchi, I played 11 (bet 4 times), and in sossyrv – 4 (of which I bet thrice).

Like last year, it turned out that the start was easier for me, except for the first day, and the finish, on the contrary, was more difficult. Last year, and even after the 4th round, I was almost the leader, but then, when stronger opponents went, the game fell apart. I expected something similar this time.


Golomaryov-Fedorkin, 0-1

In the first round I had to play with one of the favorites of the tournament. I have a dry score against Oleg, although there were games in which there was a chance to go for a draw, and at the last Vladimir Open there was a win at all, which I missed due to time trouble. Oleg bet 4B with 6. I decided to take black. The 5th move I have chosen, although not the most optimal (it is 7 or 8 in terms of strength and is generally rated for White), is the most familiar to me. The remaining fifths were placed in 6,7,8,9,14. Up to the 17th move is a traditional development. 19 move is weak. after the game Oleg said that he was gaining popularity 19-25. During the game I thought about something similar, 19-24, but White’s activity from above scared me. The 26th move looks very strong, after 27 there is no defense, after closing the trio 34-A, 36-B and White inevitably catches a 4×4 foul in point C.


Hook-Golomarev, 1/2-1/2

The second game of the day against a rather principled opponent for me. For a long time I could not beat Roma, I managed to dilute the dry score only last year in the first league, thanks to which I managed to get into the tower. Since Roma is black-colored, there was no point in reinventing the wheel: 3B in yamaguchi from 2. Of course, I removed the fifth main 5-6. This 5 has a reputation for being very strong for White when played accurately. 11th move is the strongest, 12th is the only defense that inevitably leads to further play. After move 27, White has some ways to improve by playing pauses from above, which I was not ready for, so I decided to just fight back. After 33 moves White can already be calm about the position. After 43 moves, my opponent offered a draw. It was possible, of course, to play more, White had a whole flank, but fearing some kind of attack by Black from below, I agreed to a draw.


Golomaryov-Fedotov 1-0

Denis is a well-known fan of the second opening, and the whole evening of the first day I had to repeat the voluminous material in 2v/2d. What was my surprise when he put 7d with 6! I couldn’t resist the temptation to check how well Denis knows White in this variation. This 5th move is considered to be approximately equal, black has a pretty strong attack that goes almost all over the board, but if white fights back, then he may have good chances of winning. 12th move is inaccurate, usually they play 12-A, 13B, 14-12, 15-13. However, such a 12 is apparently also possible, since the options are reducible, after 13, 14-A will have to be answered with 15-B. The 14th move in the game is frankly weak, on the 18th move it was worth closing a couple of 18-27, the further draw for White turned out to be very unpleasant, after 22 – there are no more defenses. Inaccuracy in the conduct of the defense cost White the defeat.


Filinov-Golomarev, 1/2-1/2

Last year on the tower we already played 3B with two, and although we drew, the position somehow did not suit me very much. This time I decided to put 3B co-raw and play something neutral. My opponent placed this 4th move, ordering 5 fifths. The most interesting thing is that in the case of a reverse, I planned to make exactly this 4th move. This is a well-known five-mover, which can also be obtained from 4d. A more active 8 is 8-A, but since 5 is played short, I decided to play another 8. 25 is a good move to the other flank. Unfortunately, during the game I couldn’t find any active connections for White and the game was dictated by Black. Playing 26, I consciously went for a further rally, in fact, after the 30th move from above, Black had no chances to win. After 42 moves I offered a draw, because I didn’t see any chances for White to win. After a little play, my opponent offered a draw. Perhaps it was worth playing somehow more actively in the opening.


Golomarev-Epifanov, 0-1

Round 5, game with the current champion. Dima decided not to test me for all sorts of trap options for co-searching and fasting

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