Rybinsk City Championship

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At the very end of last year, the final of the 22nd Renju city championship ended in Rybinsk. Evgeny Smirnov (VI Dan) became the champion of the city for the seventh time.
The Rybinsk Championship is played in a round-robin system in two rounds, the debut regulations this year are Yamasyrv-7, the time control is 2 hours 30 minutes per game.

The award ceremony took place at the close of the Christmas tournament.

Total distribution of seats
1. Smirnov 11.5
2. Volkov 11
3. Meat Eaters 8.5
4. Radzelevyuk 7.5
5. Nikolaev 6
6. Shlyundikov 5.5
7. Glibin 4
8. Fedoseev 2

The first four places retain the opportunity to play in the city championship next year, the remaining four will be played in the qualifying tournament (championship semi-final).

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